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Have You Given Up On Your Goals or Dreams?

Ever heard the term Goal Setting and roll your eyes? I have. Part of my eye roll comes from the overuse of the term and part of it has come from a place of disappointing myself when I haven’t achieved those goals.

Sound familiar?

Well, guess what? No more giving up on yourself.

When you stop setting goals for yourself, you stop moving forward in your life. So, let’s rename it. Hmmmm . . . what about “Life Resolutions” or “Opportunities for Growth?” NOPE! How about something like “the potential for change?” No. I’m still not sold.

Here is what I am sold on: taking a chance on yourself and risking failure for the sake of making the change you have wanted for a long time.


It’s July and we all have the option to do something different -- not because we are starting the calendar year over or because its a holiday, but because you are worth it! It’s time for you to take charge of the things you want.

Start today by writing down 2 things you want to do differently. Got them? Good. Now, write out small action steps to get to your end goal.

Don’t know how?

I have a Goal Setting Masterclass that will walk you through the decision-making process. I am offering it for FREE to those of you who want it. Do this for yourself.

Use the code: TERRASGIFT

Taking a course doesn’t work for you? That’s okay. Let’s talk virtually. Send me a message and we will find a time to talk. Go here:

It's time you got to your goals!


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