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One of the Biggest Pains in my @$$

Don’t let overthinking create problems that don’t exist Zig Ziglar

Are you an overthinker?

I am sometimes and it is even getting in the way as I write this.

Why do we do it?

Well, our brains are a beautiful thing. They are highly efficient and want to organize information for us. Sounds great, huh?

The problem is when I/you/we overthink, it paralyzes us. Agreed?

So, let’s talk about how to stop it…

  1. There is usually more than one possible outcome in a situation. Choose the simpler approach. Okay, what I really mean is DROP THE ASSUMPTIONS. You are NOT a mind reader, please do yourself a favor and stop believing you are.

  2. Thinking about a situation does not change things – acting does. Look at what you can change (or control) and what you cannot.

  3. Find something else to do. If you are worried about your upcoming review -- go practice guitar. Anxious about a friend’s reaction -- time for the closet to be re-organized. Thinking about why you didn’t get the promotion -- your friend is only a call away for a chat or some coffee.

  4. Spend time on the solution, not the problem.

  5. Remind yourself – is my thinking changing how this will come out?

  6. Last thing – change your posture (stand up tall), start doing some rhythmic breathing and do something that makes you happy (i.e. I’m going to go volunteer after this).

Overthinking started with you and can end with you. Try these out and see how it goes. Your brain will thank you.


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