Things are different this year AND not entirely so. Are you ready to admit you need to be ready for ANYTHING this season?
Wouldn’t it be great to actually enjoy the holidays without the stress?
Here are a some practical tips you can use this year when dealing with holiday stress:
Set your sights on the things that are important.
This is the time of year for us to look at our priorities and decide which ones out
rank others. If my priority is to spend time with my family and to celebrate, I might
need to do some soul searching about what needs to be prioritized for this to
Say “No.”
Learn this new word -- it is quite crucial for you during this time. Aunt Sally will
understand or get over it when you have to decline the invitation because you have
something else scheduled. You are trying to avoid drama or staying safe.
Be realistic.
Holidays don’t have to be perfect or have to “out do” last year. Think about
creating new memories as families change and grow. Be creative if people cannot
make it. FaceTime or Skype or text them a video to wish them well or send them
Don’t overschedule yourself.
You are one person and people will understand if you cannot make it, I promise.
Give yourself permission to only do or go to events that will not completely deplete
you. You will enjoy the holidays more and it goes back to the earlier point of saying
Get plenty of sleep.
If you are not getting the sleep you need, your emotions will rule the day and you
may not get to enjoy the season as you had planned. Get to bed on time, watch
alcohol consumption and stick to your bedtime routine.
Assign to others.
You are not Superman! Please do yourself a favor and commit this to mind. Ask
others to bring food, to help you decorate or clean, or find a great restaurant. This
will allow you more time to celebrate.
Reach out.
If you are feeling lonely or disconnected, look to your community. This could mean
friends, family, religious organizations, or other supports. Volunteering is also a way
to feel connected, lift your spirits and build friendships.
Budget and stick to it.
Before you start gift buying, evaluate how much you can afford and stick to this
amount. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are great, however, if they go over your
budget and you are spending money you don’t have, you will feel stressed about it.
Don’t add that onto yourself.
Do not abandon your healthy habits.
Remind yourself about why you have those habits to begin with and plan.
Overindulgence will add to your stress and guilt. Make a plan before you go and
stick with it. Implement support when necessary.
Stay out of the drama, no matter what.
This might mean taking a breather. Take 15 minutes to breathe, pray, meditate, or
clearing the mind. Restore yourself for a moment. It might also mean gently
avoiding those around you that induce drama.
You Can Do These Things!
Find the joy of the holiday season! It is important for you to start addressing your stress now, so you will be equipped when the time comes.